Selecting a cigar is a personal thing. It completely depends on an individual’s personal taste, budget and availability. Whenever one sees the cigar store that has a well-stocked cigar range, then it becomes easy to become attracted by the mere number of various cigar brands. In case you are lucky enough to come across a reputable cigar store, then you can be sure that you will get reliable advice in selecting an appropriate cigar that is suitable for your mood or a particular occasion.
The next thing is how you can choose the right stick for yourself. The first thing that you need to do is to gently squeeze the stogie. It must not be very soft. Ensure that you do not roll the cigar in your fingers, otherwise the wrapper can get damaged. Just squeeze slightly down and up the body in order to search for any soft spots or lumps. A decent stick should not have either. Don’t forget it should be done gently because if you do not purchase that particular stogie, someone else could buy it, so do not impair it. Next, scrutinize the cigar’s wrapper for any unusual discolorations, cracks or looseness. The wrapper must be tight and smooth, and also must not be impaired at both ends. It is good to check if the cigar has smaller veins as such cigars give a smoother smoke. However, ensure that you do this for same wrappers because the veins in different types of wrappers look differently. At the end that is exposed, observe the tobacco. Check if there are any unexpected or extreme color deviations. This denotes that an inferior quality of leaf was utilized, or the tobacco leaves were not placed together in a proper way during the process of bunching. The result of this would be uneven burns and bad tastes.
A cigar that has a bigger ring gauge is likely to be full flavored, smoke slowly and smoothly and warm up slower compared to those cigars that have a ring gauge that is smaller. Moreover, cigars with bigger ring gauge are constructed better compared to smaller ones. Cigar specialists mostly prefer the larger ring gauge stogies. Cigar novices should pick a cigar that is somewhat small in size. Then gradually they can switch to the bigger ones that are mild. It is recommended that beginners should purchase cigar samplers initially. Just in case they do not like a particular cigar, then the whole box will be wasted. Therefore, it is better to get a sampler to begin with. Once you become more experienced with cigar smoking, you can go for the various Cheap Cigar Bundles available. When selecting a cigar on the basis of what time of the day you want to smoke, there are some interesting details. Usually, smokers like to smoke smaller and molder sticks in the morning and even after having a light lunch. However, experienced smokers, could opt for a robusto after having a heavy lunch. Obviously, the very experienced cigar smokers would go for a full bodied and big cigar after having a heavy dinner or during late nights. The reason for this is that the thinner ones would not last for a longer period of time, and also a mild one does not satisfy them when one has a full stomach. Conversely, smoking heavy stogies prior to dinner will possibly ruin appetite and also create a confusion with a smoker’s taste buds. So these are some of the tips on selecting the right cigars for yourself.
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