You can say that cigars are like a treat for the taste buds. You will often hear people appreciating good food and fine wine and the same way a fine cigar. Similar to all indulgences, cigars exemplify a diversity of aromas and flavors that are discovered while smoking a fine cigar. A cigar smoker develops a palate after smoking them for some time. It takes some times for smokers their palates to be developed. You need to be patient if you are a novice in cigar smoking. Perhaps you may have bought your sticks at the best cigar prices, but this is not the end of it. Now the real challenge begins. It can be overwhelming at times while finding out which cigar is perfect for you. As mentioned before, you need to be patient and as time passes, your taste buds will also develop. You will find only some individuals who have got a highly developed taste for cigars.
Cigars are usually judged on 4 key qualities: body, flavor, balance and finish. Each of these elements shapes the absolute impression of any cigar. To begin, you are required to drag some amount of smoke from a stogie. To accomplish this, you need to take many short pulls and then one last long draw. Let the smoke cover your mouth totally. Then, push your cheeks out little bit in order to dispense the smoke and spin it about your tongue. Draw the smoke to the back of the throat prior to blowing it out and finally release it smoothly from your nose and mouth. It could be difficult to get accustomed to releasing it from the nose, therefore begin with a stick that is known to be mild.
Balance: Most of the tasting happens on your sense of taste or palate, which is split into 4 sections that perceives different flavors of the cigars. The front section senses sweetness, the salty flavors are detected on the sides near the front, the rear sides senses the acidic flavors and the center detects the bitter flavors. A cigar that is well balanced will make use of all these areas evenly.
Flavor: The features recognized on the palate are known as “flavor”. The features sensed from the nose are known as “aromas”, though, a lot of cigar fans utilize these terminologies interchangeably. Any cigar can be defined by different terminologies such as earth, wood, spice, nuts, salty, sweet, citrus, sour, peat, bitter, what, grassy, flinty, burnt, vanilla, cedar, toast, charcoal, metallic, pine, musk, licorice, honey, pepper, chocolate, coffee etc. Generally, the richness can be labeled starting with mild to full. Moreover, you can also find flavored cigars these days easily.
Body: Many people confuse the cigar’s body with the flavor. Body is the feeling and strength of a cigars and is not the richness level of the flavor. While smoking a cigar, you feel the body in your throat and gut. The body is also categorized between mild and full. You can say that the cigar’s body is the power.
Finish: This is the aftertaste one gets from their cigar. Once all the smoke is released from your palate, you should wait for a couple of seconds and then move the tongue around the mouth. There are possibilities of noticing the finish near the rear palate. The finish is something that you have not noticed while tasting or drawing your stick. The finish is also known as the staying power and ought to have an apparent flavor.
It is important to practice smoking more and more cigars in order to train your palate. So, look for cigar sampler deals and sample some cigars. As your sense of taste develops, you’ll also start to notice the nuances of various cigars.
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